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Commencement of Phase II Relocation From-city-To-Park Project of Hubei Huaqiang Science ...

浏览量:1302 时间:2017-07-06 11:55:34 

Commencement of Phase II Relocation From-city-To-ParkProject of Hubei Huaqiang Science &Technology Co., Ltd.

       The commencement ceremony of Phase II relocation from-city-to-park project of Hubei Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. was held at the job site of Wujiagang District in Yichang City, Hubei province on July 6th, 2017. Mr. He Huashan, general manager of Hubei Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Lu Qichao, CNCEC16’s deputy secretary of the Party committee, chairman of the trade union and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Mr. Wang Xuping, CNCEC16’s deputy general manager and other leaders related to the project, as well as the whole staff members of CNCEC16’s project management department attended the ceremony.

       Mr. He and Mr. Lu made speeches for commencement of the project respectively and both of them expressed their attention and concern to the cooperation of the Phase II project, wish the project completed successfully.

       It is known that the Phase II project duration is 300 days and the project overall floorage is 50,000 square meters, the project content undertaken by CNCEC16’s covers the collective equipment workshop, personnal protective equipment workshop and power station etc.


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